14 Outfits with Olive Green Pants

I purchased my first pair of olive green jeans during the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale back in summer 2018! I absolutely love ‘em so much and wish Madewell still made them (and not just because I need a large size now, ha). Olive green jeans and pants are surprisingly versatile and one of my favorite pants to wear in the fall, winter, and even spring. Earlier this year, I added a pair of Everlane dream pants in forest green (which is basically olive green) and they’re the perfect substitute for my original olive green jeans.

Below, I shared 14 outfit ideas with olive green pants (for fall, winter, and spring) along with answers to some of your frequently asked questions about olive green pants (and the color olive green in general)! At the bottom of the post, there’s a shopping widget with a few olive green pants that would make perfect wardrobe additions. Hit the heart next to your favorite items to receive a sale alert emailed directly to you!

READ NEXT: 14 Ways to Wear Burgundy Pants

How to style olive green pants | 14 outfit ideas with olive green pants | Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair

How to Style Olive Green Pants: 14 Outfit Ideas

1. Puffer Coat + Bean Boots

2. Wubby Pullover + Boots

What goes well with olive green pants?

I honestly cannot think of something that doesn’t go well with olive green pants! Maybe an olive green top of some sort? A monochrome olive green outfit could go either way: it could look cool or it could be too much! I love wearing my olive green pants with neutrals, of course, but it’s also especially fun to wear them with bright coordinating colors, like this spice puffer coat in the top left outfit. All of the colors in this outfit are quintessential fall to me (which is why I named it “Autumn in January” after wearing it in the winter!). When you lean into other rich colors in the rest of your outfit (spice orange, burgundy, navy, cognac brown, etc.) , that’s when olive green pants really shine.

3. Cozy Winter Neutrals

4. Neutrals + Bright Puffer

Is olive green a versatile color?

Duh! The goal of this blog post is to highlight just how versatile olive green is, even in pant form. While neutral colors like white, black, grey, brown, tan, cream, etc. are arguably the most versatile, I think olive green is right on up there. I’d put it as the same level as navy, which is an extremely versatile color because of blue denim! You’d wear regular jeans with just about everything, so why not olive green? I love how these two outfits make the olive green pants shine (and the navy puffer adds some extra fun; sometimes winter outfits with neutrals can feel really blah and uninspiring and adding a fun color can really liven them up).

5. Fancy Sweatshirt + Shiny Ankle Boots

6. Blazer + Open-toe Clogs

Does black go with olive green?

Black absolutely goes with olive green! Out of all of the colors, I probably wear black with olive green most often. Olive green is basically a neutral in my wardrobe, and because of that, it goes well with other neutrals…including black. You really can never go wrong with black! These two olive green pant outfits both feature a black third piece and black shoes (on the left, an asymmetrical sweatshirt and ankle boots; on the right, a casual blazer and open-toe clogs). There are more examples of black with olive green in the other outfits here!

7. Fleece Jacket + Striped Tee

8. Burgundy Top + Sweater Blazer

What color complements olive green?

Other than neutrals (like the warm brown fleece jacket and striped tee in the left outfit above), there are a surprising number of colors that complement olive green and that you can easily wear with olive green pants. One of those colors is burgundy! It might seem counterintuitive to wear burgundy with olive green (especially if you’re averse to wearing any sort of red and green color combination), but the colors are both so rich and saturated that they are a color match made in heaven. They’re especially fun to wear together in the fall!

9. Leather jacket + Open-toe Clogs

10. Leather Jacket + Rust Brown Sweater

Are olive green and forest green the same?

Technically, olive green and forest green are not the same color. In general, I assume forest green to be darker than olive green, which has more of a yellowy tinge. That said, above I’m wearing my Everlane dream pants in forest green and the Madewell skinny jeans in olive green and they look really similar in color! I think it honestly just depends on how the brand produces and names their colors. You could have fooled me with this comparison.

11. Plaid Top + Brown Flats

12. Peplum Top + Pendant Necklace

What type of shirt goes with olive green pants?

I probably sound like a broken record, but as you can see in this outfit roundup, I don’t think a shirt exists that doesn’t go with olive green pants! Whether you want to wear a fun patterned top (like the plaid top above), a peplum top (as seen above), a cozy sweater, a flannel shirt, a regular ol’ basic tee, a striped tee, a silk top—the sky is really the limit. Try playing around different tops and silhouettes to get the look you’re going for. Depending on the type of pant you have (skinny, wide leg, high rise, crop, etc.), you might prefer one shirt type over another.

13. Brown Felt Floppy Hat + Velvet Ankle Boots

14. Neutral Flannel Shirt + Oxford Shoes

Does olive green go with everything?

The moral of the story is that ABSOLUTELY YES, olive green goes with everything! I have worn my olive green pants with a wide assortment of different tops and shoes and jackets. I love almost every single outfit I’ve worn with my olive green jeans over the years. They’re a fun departure from regular indigo skinny jeans and can truly act like a neutral in your wardrobe. I hope these outfits inspired you to incorporate olive green pants into your outfits!

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