Currently | August 2021

Currently: August 2021 | flying over cloud cover on my first flight since 2019 | Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair

These past three weeks have been a whirlwind at work: I just wrapped up work trip #3 of 4 last night, with the last work trip happening next week. Four work trips in four weeks is a LOT. Whew. 😅 I flew this week for the first time in nearly two years (the last time I traveled by plane was to the Cook Islands for my 30th birthday). It was so weird to fly again, but I just have to say that I don’t think I’ll ever not wear a mask on the plane ever again. Anyway, it was a miracle I’ve been able to keep my posting schedule up with all of this travel! I’ve already banked over a full day of comp time.

I joined Anne’s currently link up this month to share what else I’m up to right now!

Currently | August 2021

admiring: the tenacity of the U.S. Olympic women’s gymnastics team. Y’ALL. All six of them went home with medals!!! I can’t believe it. Simone withdrew from the team final because she was dealing with the twisties. I’m so happy she made that call to protect herself (and was able to make that call!), and I’m extremely proud of Suni, Grace, and Jordan for their perseverance through the rest of the meet. I’m so proud of Suni for pulling out the AA win, and I’m absolutely thrilled that MyKayla got to compete one final time in the vault final and medaled!!! After Jade’s vault heartbreaker, I’m beyond ecstatic that she won the floor final. And of course, Simone came back and killed beam. My heart!

anticipating: the 2022 collegiate gymnastics season. Too soon? Haha! 🤣 Now that Olympic gymnastics is over, I’m ready for college!!! It’s going to be so fun with Suni at Auburn, Jade at Oregon State, Jordan at UCLA, and Grace at Utah! (Pac-12 schools represent!) Fingers crossed they don’t go pro. I’m thinking the new NIL rule change will make that less likely…hopefully.

enjoying: the amazing summer thunderstorms we’ve been having recently! This past weekend, southern and central Idaho (including Boise!!!) got the monsoon. WHAT. That never happens. I wrote three years ago about how that never happens here. It was incredibly humid—we hit a record dew point of 70°F—and we got torrential rain and lots of lightning. It was so fun. The only downside was the new wildfire starts caused by the lightning, but it seems as though the rain helped to dampen them and the existing fires down a bit.

spending: what little free time I have volunteering for Reclaim Idaho, collecting signatures for a ballot initiative that would put $300 million back into Idaho public schools (K-12) if it makes it to the 2022 ballot and Idaho voters vote yes. Idaho is last in the country in spending per student, which is absolutely abysmal, and 1 in 10 teachers are leaving the profession. I’m tired of our elected officials doing nothing to support teachers and students.

saving: money for all sorts of big expenses coming up (or trying to, at least). Sybil just had a dental (on top of needing to go to the vet to rule out any medical problems causing her litter box issues), my laptop needs a new battery (and I’m planning to buy a new one once they’re announced), and I also need to buy new winter tires for my car this fall. PLUS I have a couple of trips. I recently listened to the entirety of the Financial Feminist podcast and now I’m raring to get going on building wealth (and also creating my Rich Life)! I highly, highly recommend that podcast if you haven’t taken a listen.

What are you currently up to?