Currently: Road Trip Selfies | October 2021

Preston High School, Idaho | Napoleon Dynamite film locations | things to do in southeast Idaho | Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair

Somehow this is the second of four Currently posts so far this year that is road trip-related, haha! And the one last month was shared right before I went on another trip. I promise this is all just coincidental and I don’t actually travel that often. 😂 I just built up quite the PTO bank over the past year and a half.

At the end of September, Korri and I took a long weekend to travel to southeast Idaho, northern Utah, and western Wyoming (including Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks!). We were there at the same time last year and loved it, so when I saw an available cabin at Yellowstone Lake back in August I pounced on it. (Staying in the park itself is spendy but definitely worth it.)

Our trip took us first to Preston, Idaho, for a drive-by tour of Napoleon Dynamite film locations. We then stayed in Logan, Utah, and attended the Boise State at Utah State football game before driving up to Yellowstone for a couple of nights! After that, we hung out in Grand Teton and around eastern Idaho before heading home. We saw incredible fall foliage everywhere we went, and I loved it!

Bear Lake Overlook, Utah | fall foliage drive near Idaho | fall colors in Logan Canyon | Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair
World's largest elkhorn arch | things to do in Afton, Wyoming | Star Valley, Wyoming | Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair
Yellowstone Lake | Yellowstone National Park | visit Yellowstone in the fall | Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair
Grand Prismatic Spring at sunset | Yellowstone National Park | visit Yellowstone in the fall | Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair

I joined Anne’s currently link up this month to share what else I’m up to right now!

Currently | October 2021

borrowing: hmmm…nothing? Technically I have borrowed a few Kindle books via Prime Reading that I’ve yet to get to but honestly this is a tough one for me haha! I don’t think I’ve borrowed anything else. What are y’all borrowing these days?

buying: all the things. Seriously. I’m going through a major spendy phase where I just want to buy everything (I just got the Chase Sapphire Preferred credit card and need to spend a lot these first few months to get the points, so that isn’t helping haha). Two recent clothing purchases include this J.Crew coat and these Madewell boots. I also added some new Halloween decor thanks to Target. I couldn’t resist the cat skeletons! I like to freak my real life cats out with the 13” skeleton, and the smaller skeletons (sitting version, crouching version) are perfect on the mantel.

planning: our next road trip! As soon as we come home from one trip, I’m already planning the next, haha. In the spring, we’re headed to southern Utah—again—but this time, we’re going to hit up the three Utah national parks we haven’t been to (plus one in Nevada!). I’m so excited and will likely be booking the hotels soon so I can use my new credit card and buy while the less expensive hotels are still available. We’ve also started thinking about 2023 travel because both of my parents (and my step dad) have big birthdays—it’s going to be a fun year!

prepping: blog content for the rest of the year…kinda. I’m writing down post ideas but I am NOT good at actually writing content ahead of time! I’m SWIMMING in content ideas; the struggle is actually figuring out what to post when, shooting/editing photos, and putting together the posts. Ha!

reading: The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion—still! I mentioned in the previous Currently post that I had just started re-reading this book that I first read many years ago. I’m almost done now (I read a lot while on our trip—there are no TVs or wifi in Yellowstone lodging!), and I still can’t remember anything that’s happening haha. As usual, my TBR pile is growing faster than I’m reading. Next on deck include the sequel (The Rosie Effect) and a new physical book I got recently, Built to Belong by Natalie Franke.

What are you currently up to?