My Favorite Outfits from Spring/Summer 2016

Since we are now well into fall, it's time to look back at my favorite looks from this past spring and summer. When I decide my favorites, I ask myself these questions: 1) Would I wear it again right now (weather aside)? 2) Do I like how everything fits? 3) Do I like the color combination? 4) Do I like the silhouette? 5) Does it feel like me? I also realized that there's a slight bias towards the outfits whose photos I like best, but I tried to not focus on that so much. Basically, these are the outfits that I can see myself repeating in the future.

To be honest, when I first started scrolling through my spring and summer outfits, I wasn't really thrilled by them like I was when I first shared them. I think it's partially because in the spring, I did my first style sudoku, and I don't find those outfits to be particularly interesting. I also much prefer dressing in the fall and winter despite my love for summer. I just haven't figured out my warm weather outfit groove. I get closer every year, though, I think. Maybe it's unrealistic to assume that I'll figure it out and love every outfit I put together in the warmer months, but I try to step my game up each year. I can only hope that next year is even better than this year!

That said, I did pick 18 favorites out of the 60 outfits that I blogged. Most of them include basics colors—black, white, grey, and/or navy. I also picked lots of denim outfits and lots of outfits featuring separates. I also love a lot of the outfits featuring my gold flats and sandals! They really did make an outfit sparkle (ha). :) 

Favorite spring/summer outfits — Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair
Favorite spring/summer outfits — Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair
Favorite spring/summer outfits — Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair
Favorite spring/summer outfits — Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair
Favorite spring/summer outfits — Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair
Favorites spring/summer outfits — Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair
Favorite spring/summer outfits — Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair
Favorite spring/summer outfits — Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair
Favorite spring/summer outfits — Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair