Let's Talk: What is the smallest hill you will die on?

One of my favorite podcasts to listen to is the Bad on Paper Podcast hosted by Becca Freeman and Olivia Muenter (previously hosted by Grace Atwood). A few weeks ago, Becca and Olivia chatted about the smallest hills they will die on (read: their strong opinions about relatively benign things; basically a “hot take”) and then turned to the BOP Facebook group to ask the rest of us. I had an absolute hoot going through all of the responses. Some I agreed with and others I didn’t. It was so fascinating to see what other people feel so strongly about!

Below, I shared a few of the “small hills” that I will die on myself—but I also really want to hear what small hill(s) you would die on, too! Let us know in the comments! (And just a reminder: This is all just for fun. 😆)

Let's Talk: What is the smallest hill you will die on? | Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair

Let’s Talk: What is the smallest hill you will die on?

The biggest of the small hills I will die on

Can we all agree that we do NOT need to sing the National Anthem before every. single. sporting event. ever?! Who decided we need to do that, anyway? We can keep it for the big events, like the Olympics, World Series, or Super Bowl. But for everything else, do we REALLY need to stand (or kneel, or sit) through 3+ minutes of the worst and longest anthem on the planet?! EVERY TIME?! I had family serve in the military, and I’m not anti-America (except about some things lol), but it’s weird that we are to sing about our country this often. The U.S. anthem is also difficult to sing and way too long. I’m over it. I consider it a success if I miss the anthem because I’m running late or hiding in the bathroom.

The small Idaho hill I will die on

I am a potato purist, so sweet potatoes are not “real” potatoes.

The small hill I will die on with my cats

Cat people are superior to dog people. Why? Because every cat person I know also likes dogs, and every dog person I know hates cats. In my experience, dog people are way more stuck up about dogs than cat people are about cats. We love your dogs, why can’t you also love our cats?!

The random small hill I will die on

Ballpoint pens for life. I’ve never met a gel pen I like, ever. The way they scratch and catch the paper when you write with them?! No thanks, that’s a sensory nightmare for me lol.

A small hill I would have died on in the past but not anymore

I used to be a firm believer that leggings weren’t pants (I may have mentioned it on the blog many years ago, ha), but that was back in the days when the only leggings were the $3 pairs you got from Forever 21 that were literally see-through. I’ve since changed my tune now that there seems to be a never-ending supply of leggings that are fully opaque, thick, and supportive.

Okay, now it’s your turn! 🤪