Let's Talk: What will your life look like 10 years from now?

I was attempting to catch up on all of my blog reading recently and came across the Ten-Year Plan affirmation exercise by Debbie Millman via Cup of Jo. Have you heard of this before? It’s a way to visualize and conceptualize a day in your life exactly 10 years from today. You’re to describe every last detail of what you think/want your life to look like. What are you wearing? Where are you living? Do you have pets? How do you spend your day?

I personally freak out if I have to write even a 5-year plan for my blog, LOL. I hate not knowing what’s going to happen in the future, so then I don’t make a plan. And not having a plan leads me to not really hitting my goals because I don’t know what to do to get there. I see the benefit of making these long-term plans. I figured this would be a fun exercise (it’s not really a plan)…and then 10 years from now, I can read it back and see how close I am to this being reality (or not)!

Let's Talk: Your Ten-Year Plan Affirmation Exercise | Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair

My Ten Year Plan

10 years from today, I’ll be 42—about a month out from 43. OMG, I just had a mini heart attack writing that out. I swear 22 wasn’t that long ago!

It’s the weekend, so I’m waking up slowly—without an alarm. My historic house is small, cozy, and perfectly organized because I paid someone to help me get it in order. Giant trees provide plenty of shade, and I have a garden in the back that I enjoy with a book and a cup of chai. I have a pair of adult bonded cats that enjoying snuggling with me as much as they love to snuggle with each other. (It’s very likely that Rosie and Sybil would have both passed by then, which breaks my heart to think about.)

I’m wearing comfy wide leg lounge pants and a cropped sweatshirt and not giving a **** about it not being in style…or maybe in 10 years, all that will come back around again? Lol! It will certainly be interesting to see what we are wearing 10 years from now. I’m sure I will look at my blog outfits and cringe; I already do that now with outfits I wore 6-8 years ago.

I still live near at least one set of parents, who are FINALLY retired, and I’m also lving in a city, near downtown but not right in the middle of it. I don’t know if that city is Boise; it depends on if my family moved since then. Or if I/my partner get new jobs elsewhere. I live in a place that’s safe for people of all genders and nationalities. I would be a fun auntie to my brother’s kids and have none of my own.

I’d spend part of my day planning my next vacation to Europe. Hopefully by then I will have been to a few more countries, so now I’m planning a trip to a location I visited previously and loved (like Austria or Italy). Might mess around and book a whole month abroad just for fun. I’ll also think about what we should do for my parents’ upcoming 70th birthdays. (Whew, that was another punch to the gut.)

And now I’m breaking down and don’t want to write more. Ugh.

Okay, let’s continue.

I will have delegated literally everything. I have people that tend to my garden, a housekeeper, and a chef that comes at least once weekly to prepare meals. Yeah, my partner and I could do all that ourselves, but life is short and we want to spend our time doing other things. (Please read this book if you’re not sold on the idea of delegating and buying your time back!)

My blog will be THRIVING. Yep, I said it! I’m going to find the will to continue creating content for the next 10 years, to improve on my content, and help thousands of women. I’ll be making more money from my blog than at my full-time job, but I’ll still have a full-time job, because by then I will have figured out the whole work-life balance thing (lol, let me dream!!!). Oh, and I will have delegated blog tasks I don’t like doing also. #NormalizeDelegating

Above all, I will feel more comfortable in my skin than I did at 22, and even at 32. I won’t feel the need to be all the things to everyone. I won’t need a soul-sucking job that requires me to be awake and fully functioning hours before my natural circadian rhythm. I will feel more secure in myself and in my life. And more confident. By then, I will be going to therapy regularly so I know I have the tools to get through any major (or minor) life event.

It’s honestly really scary to think about life 10 years in the future. I remember being scared of my 30s when I was in my 20s, and now I’m in my 30s worried about my 40s. I don’t know that the worry will ever stop, but I hope I’m able to just take life as it comes and cherish every moment.

Now it’s your turn! Tell me about how your life would look 10 years from now. 🙂 If you write a blog post, share the link so I can read it!