The Money Book Every Woman Needs to Read

It’s been a while since I was completely enthralled in a nonfiction book and immediately felt the need to scream to the world how good it is! After reading the first couple of chapters of We Should All Be Millionaires by Rachel Rodgers, I was sold, and now I’m telling anyone who will listen about this book. This is the money book that EVERY WOMAN needs to read right now. And by right now I mean yesterday.

I borrowed WSABM for free via Amazon Prime Reading and then went out to buy a physical copy because this will be one I re-read and reference for years to come. It’s the perfect book for those of you that know you haven’t reached your earning potential and feel as though you’re destined to live a life much bigger than the one you’re living now. While this book has an amazing overall message for every woman, it’s especially powerful to read a book like this written by a Black woman for other Black women and women of color.

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The money book that every woman needs to read: We Should All Be Millionaires | Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair
We Should All Be Millionaires by Rachel Rodgers: Best Money Book for Women | Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair
We Should All Be Millionaires book review | Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair

We Should All Be Millionaires Book Review

The Money Book Every Woman Needs to Read!

Rachel Rodgers is a lawyer-turned-entrepreneur that helps women reach their full potential in their business and life. She’s the rich BFF you didn’t know you needed in your life. I love her writing style and her candidness when sharing advice and teaching us why things are the way they are. For this review, I decided to go through each chapter and share a short synopsis plus my thoughts. Buckle up, because I wrote a lot! 😅 I hope this inspires you to read WSABM!

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Million Dollar Behavior

MILLION DOLLAR STORY: Rachel shares her own money stories and experiences from her youth and other family members and encourages you to reframe your thoughts surrounding money. Many of us were told untrue things about money growing up or witnessed money situations in our own families that gave us money beliefs that are difficult for us to overcome. Rachel shares examples of these beliefs and how to replace them with new thoughts.

MILLION DOLLAR LIES: Rachel dives deep into how women are portrayed in the media when it comes to handling money. She also discusses the history of women working, earning an income, and building wealth—and all of the barriers women have to overcome compared to men (and all the ways we are limited). This is one of the most important chapters in the whole book. I never realized just how much the world was stacked against us as women (and ESPECIALLY women of color!!!) and how much our earning potential is limited by men.

MILLION DOLLAR DECISIONS: Your new bestie Rachel tells you how to stop making Broke Ass Decisions so you can start making Million Dollar Decisions instead. Million Dollar Decisions provide you with more energy, more time, and more space for the things that really matter to you. Many of us women make Broke Ass Decisions because we want to be liked!!! (Yes!) She teaches you a framework for analyzing your decision-making process.

MILLION DOLLAR BOUNDARIES: Whether we are in careers or not, most of the time, women are saddled with the burden of domestic labor on top of whatever other obligations we have going on. Not only are we expected to keep a tidy home, we are usually the ones that keep the household running smoothly (the “invisible” labor): we are keeping track of appointments, what’s on the grocery list, when towels/sheets need to be washed, when the filter needs to be swapped, etc. Rachel insists that we must set boundaries both at work and at home—and they must be enforced or else they aren’t really boundaries. I’m pretty good with my work boundaries (no work email on my phone!) but I would like to have more labor division at home!

MILLION DOLLAR SQUAD: Rachel shares that 95% (!!!) of our success (or failure) is based on the people we choose to spend time with. She encourages us to find community with other like-minded women who are working towards the same goals (and not men, who will generally stick to the Good Ol’ Boys Club when it comes down to it). Finding “my people” is admittedly very hard for me; I don’t really have any friends I talk to regularly that are bloggers/content creators let alone friends that are working towards wealth!

MILLION DOLLAR VISION: This is a fun chapter where you can really dream about and start to plan for your future! Rachel teaches you how to calculate how much your dream life costs every month so you have a tangible number to work towards. She also teaches you how to shift your mindset, start living the life you WANT versus the one you have now (and no, this doesn’t mean spending outside of your means and going into debt), and set goals that are scary because they’re more likely to be achieved than mediocre goals. Goal setting is extremely difficult for me; if I don’t reach a goal I set, I tend to give up on it entirely…

Million Dollar Roadmap

MILLION DOLLAR VALUE: Many of us women struggle to ask for what we are worth and reach our full potential because of impostor syndrome…and also because we are tired. Rachel discusses why we are affected so much by impostor syndrome and how to reframe your thoughts. She talks about finding your zone of genius and honing in on that particular thing, even if it’s not something you think someone would pay for. Ask yourself: “What can I offer the world that is extremely valuable?”

MILLION DOLLAR PRICING: This chapter is exactly what it sounds like: Rachel tells you to start charging your worth, whether you are an employee or an entrepreneur. She dives deep into why women tend to undercharge their skills (hint: it’s the patriarchy) and teaches you to charge based on the value YOU provide (and your skills/education) versus time spent (hourly) or based on what other people are charging (comparison). When women earn more, we contribute more to the economy and have a greater, more positive impact on the world.

MILLION DOLLAR TEAM: Okay, this was one of my favorite chapters because I dream of one day having a personal assistant, a chef, and a housekeeper. It feels crazy to type that out because I had none of those things growing up (and neither did my parents), and it still feels taboo to want that much help, especially because we have no children. But this chapter goes into WHY it is worth outsourcing household tasks so we can focus on our business(es), our relationships, or just whatever the heck we want to focus on that isn’t cleaning the house every weekend and cooking every night. We can buy our time back by hiring people to work in their zone of genius (administrative tasks, cooking, household management, etc.). I’m all for normalizing help! And us women each having our own mini economies!

MILLION DOLLAR SYSTEMS: In this chapter, Rachel reminds us how important it is to know exactly what’s going on with our money and come up with a system for tracking our money, making sure our debts are being paid off, etc. She reminds us that the scarcity mindset when it comes to money is NOT it, and that we won’t penny pinch our way to financial freedom… We have to actually make more money. (And we can do it while still enjoying the things we love. Her money philosophy is very similar to Ramit's, and you know how much I love him!)

A MILLION DOLLARS NOW: Rachel talks about how she was able to successfully pivot her business when COVID hit and teaches you about what you do and don’t need to have to start a side hustle/sell your offer. She encourages us to take part in the $10,000 in 10 Days Challenge. I don’t know about you, but making $10,000 in 10 days would literally be impossible for me at this point, and if that’s you, too, you can start with a smaller number. I’ll be honest: This chapter was not my favorite, but only because that challenge feels so unrealistic and unattainable to me right now, and it bums me out! Someday…haha. I still love this book so much!

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