My 2020 Life Reset: Quarter 2 Update

My 2020 life reset, quarter 2 update / hike overlooking Boise, Idaho with rain showers — Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair

Well, we are now nearly halfway through 2020, and I’ll be honest: I’m not doing as well on my 2020 life reset as I thought I would. (Who could have predicted after the first quarter update? Ha ha…) I had all of the best intentions and many of my plans have been derailed. Though it is disheartening to not have my life “halfway” reset by now, there are more important things to focus and work on right now (and this includes re-learning our history and being actively anti-racist, which I’d argue is another way I’m resetting my life—and it’s past time to do the work). Here’s my progress report from this past quarter.

2020 Life Reset: Quarter 2 Update

1. Declutter and organize one room per month

I worked on little organization things here and there but did not work on one room for each of the past three months. I feel like I can barely get a handle on making sure the dishes are not piling up on the side of the counter or in the sink. But! I finally donated a ton of (mostly Korri’s) clothes to the homeless shelter that have been sitting in our workout room, and I bought some organization items from The Container Store (these clear bins, and these clear drawer organizers) to get things going once I find the motivation and the time. (It took over a month for them to arrive, FYI. Lots of shipping delays.)

I finished reading The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up a few months ago and am now reading Spark Joy in an effort to motivate myself even though I don’t think I can do the KonMari method. Honestly, I’m worried that if I contract COVID and don’t make it, this mess will be left to my family and I don’t want them to deal with it. I know…morbid, but that’s been in the back of my mind through all of this.

2. Use up products before buying new ones

Still going strong! I purchased some more beauty products (mostly masks) in Sephora’s spring sale and Farmacy’s Memorial Day sale so I’m set for a while. I still need to organize the bathroom/my beauty products, kitchen cleaning products, and laundry products (see #1 above) to make sure I know what we have, but for the most part I’m feeling good about this one. It feels good to toss (recycle) empties!

3. Learn how to and start investing

Exciting news: I started a brokerage account! Korri manages it, so I have little to no idea what’s actually going on, but the balance has increased and that makes me happy, haha (I’ll be happy as long as I don’t lose it all, of course). My balance increased by 40% after a week and then dropped by half, so now it’s at about 20% more than when I started it. (He told me not to worry, though, lol.) He’s always following the stock market and telling me stock-related things and the information does not stick in my brain…yet. Hopefully someday it will!

4. Figure out a better work/blog/life balance

My work/blog/life balance pretty much took a huge nosedive this past quarter. I’m back to staying up late and not working out as much. The house is also a mess. On a somewhat related note, I think I might try adjusting my blog schedule. Right now I post on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, but the posts go up late (and they are often posted the next day) because I spend those evenings working on them. I’m thinking I’ll still post on M/W/F but adjust it so that I’m working on them Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays and then publishing the posts around midnight. Yay/nay? I figured it wouldn’t really matter too much to you, but I wanted to try it out.

5. Improve my mental health

In the quarter 1 update, I mentioned that I wasn’t really sure how the mental health sessions provided by my health insurance worked. I asked our HR department and was told that we have to call the hotline and then they refer us to someone or give us resources. I still haven’t made the call, though. I’ve been avoiding any unnecessary doctor appointments outside of the house for obvious reasons, and honestly, I also lack courage. I think I need a therapist now more than I did last quarter, though, especially now that I’m re-learning U.S. history and discovering the racism in literally everything.

Save for using up products and the brokerage account, things still aren’t really going to plan right now. 🥴 I don’t know if I’ll be able to get the train back on the tracks before the end of the year, but I also don’t feel completely derailed. How are you doing with your plans and/or resolutions for 2020 so far? Please tell me I am not alone in my ability (or rather, inability) to stay focused!