Fall with My Cats + Pumpkin Decor I Love

Cat skeleton Halloween decor from Target | how I'm spending fall | fall home decor | fall fireplace mantel decorations | Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair

Over the weekend, I thought it’d be fun to do a lil photoshoot with my cats! 😹 It’s been a while since Rosie and Sybil made an appearance here on the blog. They were most definitely NOT happy with me. Rosie almost committed murder hahaha.

Korri finally pulled the fall and Halloween home decor down from storage, and I decorated our mantel over the weekend. That and the shelves surrounding the fireplace are really the only places I put any sort of decorations for any holiday. I don’t own much in the way of decorations (I only have one box of fall and Halloween things combined)…and I’m lazy and don’t like putting them up just to take them down a couple of months later (or a month later, in the case of Christmas decor). I still do it, obviously, but it’s almost mid-October and I just barely got them up haha!

How have you been spending your fall so far? Even though I’m not excited for winter (rain/snow is in the forecast for today…NOOO), I’ve been enjoying wearing my cozy things again, curling up in blankets, reading with college football on in the background, and drinking chai and hot chocolate. Oh, and eating as many apple cider donuts as I can manage! I should probably make some sort of pumpkin baked good pretty soon here too.

Fall with my tuxedo cat, Rosie | how I'm spending fall | fall home decor | fall fireplace mantel decorations | Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair
Fall with my calico cat, Sybil | how I'm spending fall | fall home decor | fall fireplace mantel decorations | Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair

Where to Buy Pumpkin Home Decor

When it comes to seasonal decor, I’m not big on Halloween and prefer general fall decor to Halloween decor. The skeleton cats are new additions from Target and are about as spooky as I get (I’m holding the 13” cat skeleton, and the 5” crouching kitten and 7.75” sitting kitten are on the mantel). By far my favorite fall decor is pumpkins! I love that they work through Halloween and Thanksgiving (but I doubt I’ll be putting away the cat skeletons before Thanksgiving).

I have three different types of pumpkin decor happening on the mantel:

  • Velvet pumpkins
    Last year, I purchased a set of these velvet pumpkins in four colors (rust, olive, ivory, gold) from YourHeartsContent on Etsy. The colors are stunning! I’m tempted to go back for more even though I’m not sure where they would go.

  • Glass pumpkins
    Korri and I took a glass blowing class at a local studio, Boise Art Glass, a few years ago now. Of course, we took a pumpkin-making class! (I’ve made ornaments in the past.) It was super fun and I would like to do it again if only because I really don’t like my pumpkin haha (the one I made is the white and orange one on the far left; I think Korri’s blue pumpkin is much cooler!).

  • Real pumpkins
    I buy the small real pumpkins when I see them at the store; I’m a sucker for the ones with warts on them! I didn’t see any of those when I stopped by TJs a couple of weeks ago and was kind of in a hurry so I ended up with one small orange pumpkin (pictured), one small white pumpkin, and three gourds with varying levels of warts.

In the widget below, I rounded up the pumpkin decor I’m loving from Target. They have so many great neutrals and textures to go with any other fall or Halloween decor you have! There are even velvet pumpkins available. I also added one of the cat skeletons; how could I not?! They’re so fun!

What is your favorite fall home decor? Are you also lazy like me when it comes to decorating?