A Few Blog Updates + A Reader Survey

Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair — attainable everyday style and life in Idaho

A brief background: I started blogging in the fall of 2013 (my first blog was called Twenty-Something Simple), and I rebranded to Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair and moved everything to Squarespace in June 2015. Since then, I have not made one update to anything…lol. It’s been over five years! Oops! I briefly considered rebranding again but have decided not to for now.

I made a few minor tweaks to the site that I wanted to point out just in case you find them useful, and I also put together a quick reader survey at the bottom of this post. It would be so helpful for me if you filled it out! (Thank you! ❤️)


Other than a new logo (handwritten by me…it’s not super exciting but I just wanted something fresh), new headshot (with Smokey Dome in the background), a new color palette (coming soon, but expect more greens), and new page banners, there are a few small tweaks I made and things I added.

SIDEBAR — I added a section to the sidebar called “Popular Content” with direct links to some of my most popular content per Google Analytics. I may change these links periodically to keep things fresh. Currently, Squarespace doesn’t have a way to automatically display popular content/posts…

NAVIGATION — I consolidated my navigation and stuck the Budget and Cats pages under Life. It should be fairly easy to find those pages still! The direct links are still the same as they were before.

NEW PAGE — I added a Work page under Life that features the outfits I wore to work (keeping in mind that my workwear is still quite casual) and my work-related life and travel posts.

NEW COLLECTION — I added an “At Home” collection to the More Life page. This mostly consists of home-related review posts and my attempts at organizing my life.

UPDATED ABOUT PAGE — I rewrote my About page! (I also rewrote the short blurb below my photo in the sidebar.)

I’m not completely done with the update, so you may see some more minor changes in the coming weeks, but I got the bulk of the “major” changes finished. Please let me know if you come across anything broken! As always, thank you so much for reading! I appreciate you more than you know. 🤗


The survey was removed on July 20th. Thank you to those of you that responded!