What I've Been Wearing to Work From Home

What I've been wearing to work from home — Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair

I know most people (bloggers especially) are touting dressing in regular clothes to work from home because it’s “normal” and makes you more productive…but honestly, I’ve been wearing loungewear to work from home for the past three weeks and I’m not any less productive because of it. (In fact, I’d argue that the anxiety of current events is taking a much larger toll on my productivity than anything I’m wearing.) SO, I’m here to tell you to not feel bad if you’re not up for getting dressed in regular clothes right now, even if you’re working from home. We are all just doing our best. ❤️

What to Wear to Work from Home

Everything in the collage above is what I’ve worn to work from home so far. For tops, I’ve been relying heavily on tees layered under chunky cardigans and cozy flannel shirts, sweaters, and sweatshirts. I get cold easily, so I prefer to overdress myself and then change later if I get too warm. As for bottoms, sweatpants and leggings are all I want to wear. My Zella leggings are my favorite for lounging since they aren’t too constricting on the midsection, but I do like to alternate between them and loose sweatpants/joggers to give my body a break, haha.

You know what the real MVP of my work from home wardrobe has been? My slippers!

When I started working from home, I realized that while I could just keep wearing my regular outfits, I didn’t want to wear jeans if I didn’t have to…so I haven’t been. (Fingers crossed they still fit at the end of this!) I felt like I didn’t have much in the way of true loungewear, so I found myself panic buying Zella leggings (in olive and grey; the 7/8 length is perfect on me), Zella bike shorts (for summer), and THE famous Barefoot Dreams circle cardigan in the recent Nordstrom 25% off everything sale. I also ordered a pair of wide-leg lounge pants from Amour Vert that I hope fit!

In hindsight, I realized that I truly didn’t need anything. I think I just worried about not having much variety in my clothes, which is a whole other thing that I need to unpack myself.

Work from home purchases: Barefoot Dreams cardigan, Zella bike shorts, Zella leggings — Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair

Another reason and probably the biggest reason why I haven’t been wearing my “regular” clothes (I have a few comfy pairs of jeans and pants I wear to the office that I could be wearing at home now) is because I suddenly have a hairy coworker named Rosie that likes to lay on my lap and that periodically sticks her claws in my legs to gain traction when she repositions herself. 😹 I’m worried she’ll ruin my nice pants with her hair and/or claws, so I’ve been sticking with leggings and sweatpants. Whatever top I wear also gets covered in hair! I don’t mind, though. I’m so grateful for her daily cuddles while I’m working. It’s going to be hard to go back to the office!

I’ve been trying to think of more “blogworthy” work from home outfits to share in the future but have come up short so far. Honestly, I miss shooting regular outfits outside, and as the weather warms up and everything starts blooming, I may find myself dressing up just to take regular outfit photos. I was already feeling the itch to do that this week! We’ll see how things go these next few weeks.

Tell me—are you a fan of dressing up to work from home, or are you on team loungewear like me?