Welcome to my new blog!

Hello and welcome to Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair! I can't believe what I've been dreaming about for months now has finally come to life. :) I'm so excited, and I hope you are too!


Why the name change?
I started my blog on a whim a little over a year and a half ago. At the time, I was really set on naming my blog Twenty-Something Chic, but someone else had that name. I was hung up on having "Twenty-Something" in my name, and I liked the sound of Twenty-Something Simple, so that's how my first blog was born. A few months later, I was constantly thinking about how silly my name would sound if I was still blogging into my thirties and forties. When I decided at the end of last year to eventually upgrade my blog to its own domain and purchase a logo, I figured it was the best time of any to rename my blog to something that expresses me perfectly and can carry me through any stage of life.

How did you come up with the name?
I actually didn't think of the name, haha! Sometime last year (can't remember when exactly), Chris was dehairing one of his cotton-cashmere sweaters when he said his sweater was not ONLY cotton and cashmere, but cotton, cashmere, and cat hair. (Why do cat hairs like to intertwine in everything?) I thought that was brilliant, but I had written it down for a blog post title and was saving it for this past winter. When I knew I wanted to rename my blog, I spent a while trying to come up with a name that succinctly represented as much of me as possible, and I didn't really like anything I thought of. Chris reminded me of what he had said and mentioned that it would make a perfect blog name: Cotton because of my simple style, cashmere because my style is somewhat classy/refined, and cat hair because I can't live without my cats, and thus, cat hair. Since then, I was obsessed with it and I kept that name to myself for a long time. Before this past Saturday, only five people besides me knew what this blog was called, haha.


Will you still be blogging about the same topics as before?
Yes! I'm still blogging about my personal style, my cats, and whatever else happens to strike my fancy. The only thing that changed is my name and site--and now I have a logo!

Who made your logo?
My wonderful friend Allara hand-lettered my logo and the categories you see in the sidebar. Aren't they awesome?! Please check out her Instagram account for more of her beautiful lettering!

Why did you move to Squarespace?
I was originally going to move to WordPress.org until I went to Texas Style Council CAMP, where we learned all about the beauty of Squarespace. Since then, I decided I was going to move my blog to Squarespace. It has taken me a while to get used to it (and I still am getting used to it!), but so far I love it.

Who designed your site?
I'm actually running the built-in Montauk theme, but I customized it myself. Mostly everything you see are just options you can easily add. I also added some custom CSS when something wasn't exactly how I wanted. You definitely don't need to hire a professional to work on Squarespace!


What are the new features?
I have lots of exciting new features to tell you all about! First of all, I have reorganized my posts into five main categories: outfits, style (everything except outfits), cats, budget, and life. I focus mostly on outfits which is why those posts got their own category. You can browse all of the posts in my five main categories by clicking on the categories in the sidebar. Those house all of the posts with that tag if you just want to look around. You also have the option to look at individual posts via the tabs at the top of the site. If you hover over "My Style" and click on "Spring Outfits", you'll get to a page that looks like the one above. It will list my 30 most recent spring outfits including thumbnails so you can see each outfit at a glance. Isn't that cool?! Every category-related tab shows something similar. In "More Style", you'll find my signature look posts, outfit re-creations, outfit obsessions, etc. In "Budget", you'll find all my budget posts; in "Grad School" under "Life", you'll find the posts where I talk about grad school. Please feel free to click around and explore! I really hope you guys like those pages because I'm obsessed with them, haha.

Otherwise, I have added a section in the sidebar listing links to the places I shop most often as well as a section with some of my Instagram feed. Please note that the sidebar only shows up when you are viewing the blog and won't appear on the other pages. I've also added a section in the footer showcasing the five most recent posts.

When will you be done importing old content?
I hope to be done this week, but I am going out of town so that may delay things a little bit. I underestimated how long it would take me to reorganize all of my old posts. Please bear with me while I get things straightened out! Also, let me know if you find a broken link or error anywhere (unless you clicked a link back to a post that hasn't been imported yet). Posts prior to March of this year have incorrect links to older content so please avoid clicking those for now.

Why does your older content have small photos?
When I first started blogging, I made all of my photos the exact width of the column because if they were any larger, WordPress resized them to make them fit and pixelated them. It was quite annoying. Then, when I got my retina MacBook last fall, the smaller photos looked pixelated because on the retina screen there are twice as many pixels in any given area as there were before. From about the beginning of November, my photos were twice as big as the older photos and now they fit the column on here. I could stretch the older photos to fit but that makes them look ugly so I just left them as is. Eventually you likely won't be looking at the oldest content and everything from here on out will look much better.

How can I subscribe?
You can either subscribe to new posts via email (just enter your email in the space on the sidebar to be added to the mailing list!) or you can follow me on Bloglovin and receive new posts that way. Don't worry; I'm going to have Bloglovin change my current URL so the transition is seamless. It should be done within the next couple of days if all goes well.

PLEASE NOTE: I did NOT make that new account on Bloglovin. I have no idea why it was created without my permission. Please do not follow it. I'm having my existing blog changed over to this URL. Thank you everyone!

Yay! I tried to think of the most common questions, but please let me know if you have any more questions in the comments. :) I'm looking forward to new adventures on this site!

original background photo in first image via silverfuture on Flickr