Three months of chaos

Blue flannel shirt dress outfit with cognac ankle boots and belt — Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair
Grana flannel shirt dress — Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair
Blue flannel shirt dress outfit with cognac accessories — Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair
Flannel shirt dress outfit — Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair
Shaya Priscilla necklace via Amour Vert — Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair

My life is very chaotic right now. If you didn't already know, I'm finishing up my PhD in the next couple of months and then moving back to my hometown in three months. I've been busy writing my second journal article, planning a third article (or at least a third chapter in my dissertation), figuring out when to defend (sometime in the latter half of May but the date isn't pinned down yet), applying for jobs (because I have a PhD, I don't have any experience—ugh), and trying to stay sane by keeping up with my blog. Oh and I need to start going through my stuff and figuring out what's moving with me and what isn't. (I've got a bunch of stuff listed on my Poshmark!)

I'm exhausted just thinking about everything that needs to happen in three months, but it'll all get done, right? Haha. Hopefully I don't have a mental breakdown. I'm really excited to finally be done with school. Being a professional student is great (I'm seriously going to miss my flexible schedule), but the salary isn't. Time to grow up and be a real adult. ;)

In outfit-related news, my latest purchase is this beautiful, delicate necklace by Shaya that I picked up from Amour Vert last week. I absolutely love it! I haven't been wearing much jewelry lately, and when I do wear jewelry, I prefer the more delicate items over statement pieces for daily wear. This is a perfect addition to my collection! (I hesitated because of the price, especially since I'm still on my grad student salary, but I think it's worth it. It's ethically made, and I know I'll get a ton of wear out of it!)


Grana dress c/o / exact (review here; use my referral link for 10% off your first purchase)
J.Crew belt / old; similar by Old Navy
Hue tights / exact
Madewell boots / old; new version (on sale!)
Shaya necklace / exact
Moorea Seal sunglasses / old; similar by Le Specs