Fall is (Finally) in the Air

Girly, timeless, casual fall outfit with tawny brown hat, white lace blouse, demi-boot jeans, tawny ankle boots — Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair
Vetta Capsule white lace button up blouse fall outfit with tawny floppy hat — Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair
Casual fall outfit with Vetta Capsule white lace blouse, Madewell demi-boot jeans, Madewell Billie ankle boots, tawny floppy hat — Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair
Casual girly and timeless fall outfit with tawny floppy hat + white lace blouse — Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair
Tawny brown floppy hat, white lace blouse, demi-boot jeans, tawny ankle boots casual fall outfit — Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair

When I was going through these outfit photos, I kept thinking that I had already worn this outfit before in some way. I looked back through my old outfits (for me, the easiest way is with my Stylebook app…it would take far too long for me to do a blog post search!) and found a couple similar iterations—this outfit from October 2018 and this outfit from March 2017—but nothing that’s a super close match. Still, this feels like an outfit I’d have worn for years now. It feels good to wear outfits that really reflect my personal style AND to know that my personal style hasn’t really changed much in years!

This fall outfit, which could really be worn in the spring, too, is a comforting mix of (mostly) timeless pieces. I’ve had these ankle boots for almost as long as I’ve had my blog, my floppy hat has been around for a couple of years now, and this blouse by Vetta Capsule is beautiful and classic. I’m sure the demi-boot jeans will date this outfit at some point, but for now they’re trendy! It’s an outfit I could have worn for a couple of years now at least, and it will likely still be in style a couple of years or so into the future. Well, hopefully it’s still in style in a couple of years because I want to wear it again and again! I’m not exactly good at predicting fashion trends…

I’m soaking up the last of the warmth before a decent weather system moves in this weekend! We’re going to finally get some rain…and some cooler temps. Not super excited for summer to officially come to an end, but it’s inevitable, so I may as well fully embrace fall! 🍂 It’s almost mid October, after all.

P.S. I signed up to text bank tomorrow, Saturday, October 10th, and Sunday the 11th! I’d love it if you joined me! You can sign up via this link. We’ll all do a 30-minute training to start and then follow that with text banking, which can be done pretty much anytime it fits in your schedule (as far as I know!).


Vetta Capsule top / dress version or similar by Old Navy (last seen here)
Madewell jeans / similar options: 1 / 2
Madewell boots / old; similar
Phase 3 hat / old; similar by Target
Le Specs sunglasses / exact style
Dior Lip Glow in pink / exact