Comfortable classics

Beige cardigan, light blue linen shirt, skinny jeans, beige sandals — Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair

We have been in a really interesting synoptic (large-scale) weather pattern over the past week or so that has resulted in a shower or thunderstorm every day. Normally I'd be all for it because I absolutely love thunderstorms and we really need the water (the mountains are so green right now and I'm trying to enjoy it before they turn bone dry in a month or so). However, it has made dressing myself quite the task. If there's a 20% chance of rain or less, I typically will wear anything because that usually means there won't be any precipitation, but that theory has failed recently! I basically need to be prepared for it to rain every day, even if the chance of precipitation is low.

Well, I wore this outfit on one such 20%-chance day, and luckily for me, the rain held off while I was out. Phew! I did not want these shoes to get wet, haha. I love the varying shades of beige and blue I have going on in this outfit. I was originally planning on wearing my light wash jeans but decided to give them a break since I wear them so much in the spring. I'm also trying to wear my thin cardigans more; I haven't been wearing them as much lately and want to see if they're worth keeping around.

Beige cardigan, light blue linen shirt, skinny jeans, statement earrings — Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair
Beige cardigan, light blue linen shirt, skinny jeans, beige sandals — Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair
Light blue linen shirt outfit with beige cardigan and statement earrings — Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair
Statement earrings + beige cardigan + light blue linen shirt — Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair

ModCloth cardigan (old; similar from Shoptiques) / Uniqlo shirt / Madewell jeans (old; similar) / Earthies sandals c/o (exact & on sale; last seen here) / Banana Republic Factory earrings (old; last seen here)