Cool mornings, warm afternoons

Madewell 'Outbound' jacket, white Everlane box tee, red mini skirt, Madewell 'Billie' boots — Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair

'Tis the time of year where the weather plays games with us. In the morning, it's downright chilly, but by the afternoon, you may be wishing you didn't wear those jeans or that sweater. While I would personally rather be hot than cold on any given day, I do have somewhat of a way to deal with these transitional days, and it's basically a no-brainer: I layer (#groundbreaking), and I opt for closed-toe shoes.

For this look, I knew the afternoon would warm up quite a bit compared to the morning, so I wore a tee with the mini skirt and threw on my utility jacket to keep warm in the morning. While my legs tolerate cold a lot better than the rest of me, I decided to wear a pair of ankle boots to minimize the heat loss from my toes, and I wasn't too hot in the afternoon because I could remove my coat. Not so tricky, eh? How do you dress for cool mornings and warm afternoons?

Madewell 'Outbound' jacket, white tee, red mini skirt, Madewell 'Billie' boots — Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair
White Everlane box tee + red mini skirt + army green utility jacket — Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair
White Everlane box tee, red mini skirt, Madewell 'Billie' boots, olive green utility jacket — Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair
White tee + red mini skirt + army green utility jacket — Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair

Madewell jacket (similar), skirt (old; similar from Urban Outfitters), and boots (new version—on sale in limited sizes!) / Everlane tee / Moorea Seal sunglasses