Army green + pink gingham

Army green jacket, pink gingham shirt, light wash denim, cognac ankle boots — Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair

Happy St. Patrick's Day! I have to admit, this holiday isn't one I get super excited for. While I do enjoy the food (mashed potatoes always and forever), I'm not much of a drinker. I'm also not Irish, so growing up, there wasn't the cultural aspect of it. At least it appears like I wore green today. ;) The green of the jacket wins over the pink gingham, right?

This outfit probably looks very similar to one I wore in the fall. I consider this outfit the spring version of that outfit; pink gingham and light wash denim naturally lend themselves to the warmer weather and fresh palette welcomed by spring. We had a winter storm blow through the past few days, and I'm ecstatic that the spring temperatures appear to be back for the weekend! Just in time for the end of spring break, of course. ;)

Green utility jacket + pink gingham shirt + light wash denim — Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair
Army green jacket, pink gingham shirt, light wash denim, cognac ankle boots — Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair
Army green jacket + pink gingham + light wash denim — Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair
Army green jacket, pink gingham shirt, light wash denim, cognac ankle boots — Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair

Madewell jacket (similar), jeans (similar), and boots (new version) / J.Crew Factory shirt (old; similar from Macy's; last seen here)