Life Lately #3

Christmas mantle — via Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair

How was your holiday weekend? Between my families and my boyfriend's family, I did a lot of family hopping the past few days. We spent Friday evening with my mom, step dad, brother, and step sisters. On Saturday, after my boyfriend went to work (meteorologists don't get holidays off), I went back to my mom's house with my brother and visited with my step brother and aunt and her family. Then we went to my dad's side and dropped by my aunt's house for a party. On Christmas Day, my boyfriend and I woke up late, scrambled to wrap last-minute presents, and then made it to my dad and step mom's house for breakfast and gifts. We took off to visit my boyfriend's parents and grab stockings from my mom before he went back to work. My dad and step mom hosted dinner with some of their closest family and friends. It was a whirlwind, to say the least!

As much as I'm sad to see another Christmas season go, it's nice to have a little time to relax and regroup, especially since I'm still trying to kick the end of this cold.

Everlane Lab, San Francisco, CA — via Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair

If you follow me on Instagram, you would have seen that I was in San Francisco a couple of weeks ago. I went for an academic conference but really wanted to make a stop by either Everlane or Amour Vert while I was there. I ended up convincing my colleague to go with me to visit Everlane since it is pretty close to one of the BART (local subway) stations, but it's in a less safe part of the Mission District. I didn't have a whole lot of time to spend there, but it was really fun to experience!

At the Everlane Lab, they showcase their latest collections, so not everything is out and available to try on or purchase. I went specifically to look at a couple of things on my wish list, but they didn't have exactly what I wanted to try on. It's a small, intimate space, and they had some of the men's collection on display, too. There's a large area to try on shoes as well as a few fitting rooms. It was really cool to check out what they had since I stare at everything so often when I browse their website! I so wish those black ankle boots had been in the budget. ;)

Yves Saint Laurent Mon Paris Eau de Parfum — via Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair

I recently picked up a couple of new beauty goodies. I had fallen in love with the scent of Yves Saint Laurent Mon Paris Eau de Parfum after my boyfriend and I spent some time smelling perfume and cologne in Sephora months ago, but I wanted to hold off on purchasing it until I finished one of my other perfumes. Well, that hasn't quite happened yet, but I had a Macy's gift card to use and the Friends & Family sale a couple of weeks ago allowed me to pick it up for a reduced price. It's the first new scent I've added in a couple of years, but I definitely need to focus now on using up what I have. My perfume stand is looking like it's at its max now. ;)

I also used my Sephora coupon to pick up the Fresh Sugar Lip Treatment in rosé. Even though I went into it knowing that I wanted to try rosé next, I tested the colors on my hand just to see how they would look. The colors are all so pretty! I think I may try poppy next... :) I definitely like rosé a lot better than the nude I bought earlier this year. You can see the color in action in this outfit post (though my lips were a bit chapped and red prior to me putting on the color, haha).