10 Things You May Not Know About Me

Outfit photo outtake (10 things you may not know about me) -- Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair

It's my birthday today! Woo! Another year older! When should I start using anti-aging facial products? Now probably...ha! Anyway, today I thought it would be fun to share some fun facts about myself so you can get to know me a little better. :)

  1. I grew up in Idaho! It's a gorgeous state with probably the most boring weather on the planet, so it's a wonder that I got into atmospheric sciences. Also, yes, I love potatoes. I eat them all in any way except for sweet potatoes and yams. What can I say? I'm a purist. ;)

  2. I'm a quarter Hispanic and no one ever believes me when I tell them. I also don't obsess over Mexican food like I feel like I should. (Cilantro is one of the absolute worst tasting things to me.)

  3. In high school, I took three years of Japanese instead of the typical French or Spanish. I wish I could remember more of it! I'm dying to visit Japan and brush up on my skills. All I can say is my name and fried chicken burger.

  4. I have a fake tooth (implant) and a crown (the teeth on either side of my two front teeth) thanks to genetics. You can't really tell unless you look at pictures; they don't match my teeth exactly and I get self conscious of that. I edit my blog photos a bit so that it's not so obvious. I wish there was a way to fix that, but when I asked my dentist it didn't seem like there was. :/

  5. I interned with NASA the summer between college and graduate school. I lived in southern California for eight weeks with some of the coolest and smartest people I've ever met and participated in a hands-on research project. That's actually how Chris and I met. :)

  6. I am the oldest child in my family and have three younger brothers. I cried when my youngest brother was born because I wanted a sister so bad. It ended up working out because they don't steal my clothes! Now I have step sisters so I kind of got what I wanted in the end, haha.

  7. I've been to 22 states (not including states I've flown through but didn't leave the airport). It's my goal to visit all 50! I've also driven through DC but definitely hope to make it back for a proper visit.

  8. I started horseback riding in high school (my discipline of choice is hunter/jumpers), but I sadly stopped riding partway into college. I haven't picked it up again since then but I can't wait for the day that I have the time and money to put into it! It's definitely my favorite sport. Growing up, I played soccer and volleyball (plus a season of basketball--not a good decision!).

  9. I am a night owl, NOT a morning person. I hate mornings and waking up. Still, I refuse to drink coffee because I don't want to become addicted to it.

  10. I'm pretty opinionated, but I am also the worst at making decisions if I don't have an opinion one way or the other. It can be annoying at times, and I think this is one of the downfalls of being a people-pleaser.

It was harder to think of ten things than I thought it would be, haha! :) I hope you guys enjoyed learning more about me, and please let me know if you're like "YAS!" or "ME TOO" to anything I mentioned! I'd love to learn a little more about you, too.

{original outfit post here}