The three Bs

Blush tank, black floral skirt, burgundy loafers -- Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair

In this case, I mean blush, burgundy, and black: an unexpected summer color combination. I put on this outfit not thinking I wanted it to be photographed, but then I ended up loving it. I was originally planning on wearing black shoes with this look, but I tried on my burgundy loafers just for the heck of it. They don't match the skirt exactly, and I think that's part of the fun! The colors all kind of just go together. 

For some reason, I am excellent at predicting windy days. I simply put on a dress or skirt and WAH-LAH! It's windy. Even if it's not windy when I leave for school, it's windy by lunchtime or when I leave to go home. Every. Time. It's kind of obnoxious. I should probably do a better job at looking at the weather forecasts, being that I'm in the atmospheric sciences program and all. Heh. Anyway, I say all this because it was SO windy when I wore this outfit. Thank goodness this skirt requires a slip or else a whole lot of passersby would have seen a liiittle bit too much.

Blush tank, black floral skirt, burgundy loafers -- Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair
Blush tank top, dark floral skirt, simple necklace -- Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair
Blush tank top, black floral skirt, burgundy loafers -- Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair
Dark floral skirt and burgundy loafers -- Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair

Uniqlo top (available in white & on sale!) and AIRism top / Amour Vert skirt via Piperlime (similar from H&M; last seen here) / Nordstrom loafers (thrifted; similar by Eastland; last seen here) / BaubleBar necklace (similar from Nordstrom) / LOFT sunglasses