Halfway through 2015


{via Instagram}

Can you believe that six months of 2015 have passed already?! I definitely can't! I feel overwhelmed when I think about how fast those six months went and how fast the next six months will go...and then it'll be 2016. Oh my. I remember when I was in grade school thinking about how 2008 (the year I'd graduate high school) felt SO far away, and then 2020 felt extremely far away. Well...we're now halfway between 2010 and 2020--what even?!

Anyway, I decided I would reflect on how my new year's resolutions are going now that we're halfway through the year. The short answer is that they aren't going as well as I had hoped...  

  1. Drink more water. I haven't been doing this at all. In fact, I realized recently that there are some days that I don't drink any water at all except for the couple of sips at night when I take pills. That is not okay, so starting today I've decided to make a conscious effort to take in more water. In my previous post, I mentioned that I've had issues with dry eye, and I think a lot of it stems from the fact that I'm not drinking enough water. Fran shared a link to a blog post today sharing tips to drinking more water, and it really kicked me into gear. At the store, I bought La Croix sparkling flavored water and some Mio water enhancers to help me take in more water. I know that I need the water to have flavor for me to actually consume a lot of it.
  2. Finish projects. This also hasn't happened. I have a couple of shadow boxes I need to fill and hang, and I still haven't made any progress on my gallery wall except buying three frames for it. I need to figure out the other three or so frames and pick photos...then actually print them and hang everything up. There's a lot of little miscellaneous stuff I want to do, too. My friend Natalie told me to set aside one day to just focus on doing DIY stuff and I think I need to do that sooner rather than later!
  3. Purchase garments with higher quality materials. I've actually done a pretty good job at sticking to this one. I bought myself a cashmere sweater, a silk dress and skirt, leather shoes and bags, and various cotton and linen garments. I'm proud of myself for paying closer attention to materials and not purchasing as much "cheap" stuff.
  4. Not go over my clothing budget. This one has proven to be tough to stick to because I've been over at the end of every quarter so far this year. I'm determined to go not over this quarter and start fall with a fresh budget. It's only July 5th and I've spent more than I wanted to, so I'm done shopping this month. I mean it. (Please hold me to that. I keep reminding myself that the big road trip we have planned this month requires money, and I'd like to sleep in hotel rooms rather than on the side of the road!)

I also have a couple of mid-year resolutions I want to tack on. These shouldn't be too hard to complete as long as I keep myself motivated. :)

  1. Plan a few blog posts with new content. I want to spice things up a bit around here and write some posts I've been wanting to write but keep putting off for one reason or another. Even though outfit posts are my favorite to put together, there are other things I want to write about, and it will help to keep things fresh and interesting for you, too (I hope!).
  2. Declutter my whole apartment. I still have boxes I need to unpack, and I really need to go through everything and donate a whole bunch of stuff I don't need anymore. I did donate a bunch of clothes and shoes to the homeless shelter last month, and I need to keep the momentum and go through the other areas in my place, especially before we have company stay with us!

Phew! I really hope I can stick to all of my resolutions for the final six months of 2015. Did you set resolutions, and if so, have you been able to keep them? :)