On the prairie

On the prairie -- Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair

Here's another look from the trip to South Dakota. This time, Chris and I drove a bit outside of town to find the perfect-looking prairie. You'd think it'd be easy, but there are a surprising number of farms in the area...and I didn't exactly imagine shooting outfit photos in front of corn. This probably is a crop in and of itself (wheat maybe? Or just cheatgrass? Does anyone know?)*, but it looked enough like the prairie to work for me! We almost gave up on finding something like this and when I turned down a gravel road to head back to town, we drove right up to this. Fate, I'd say.

Now normally I would not shoot outfit photos in direct sunlight, but there were few clouds to be found on this day (two days after I wore this outfit would have been the ideal overcast day--who knew!), so I sucked it up and sweat for a few minutes in the heat and humidity. I was smart and wore my linen tee. The color palette I stuck with for the trip was made up of mainly navy and denim with some grey and red for variety. I knew I was bringing my navy sandals with me so I included my navy shorts to go with them. It's not the best color to wear in heat, but I really wasn't outside that much at all, haha. Also, how cute are the mosquito bites all over my legs? The mosquitoes were relentless! I smelled like bug spray the entire time we were there.

* My step mom told me that it is a pasture of grass to feed cattle. :)

South Dakota prairie -- Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair
On the prairie -- Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair
South Dakota prairie -- Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair
Grey linen tee on the prairie -- Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair
Grey linen tee on the prairie -- Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair
On the prairie -- Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair
South Dakota prairie -- Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair

Madewell tee (similar) and necklace / J.Crew shorts / Salt Water sandals (exact) / LOFT sunglasses