May Day


This post is also known as "50 shades of oatmeal", which was the first thing Chris said when he saw this outfit. He's not wrong, haha! I'm impressed by his knowledge of oatmeal as a color.

Um, can you believe today is May first?! This year is flying by, I swear. Freakin' me out. Also, is anyone else's Facebook timeline or Twitter feed completely overloaded with the Justin Timberlake "It's gonna be May" meme? I can't decide if I'm sick of it or not.

Anyway, the outfit. I was originally going to wear a different look, but I knew I wanted to title this post "May Day" and the other outfit didn't fit the vibe very well. I think of young girls with flowers in their hair and flow-y dresses as they run around delivering May Day baskets. I ended up throwing this together a couple of mornings ago; I love how it's monochrome, but the different textures add interest. I just wish the dress was a touch longer. It didn't feel nearly this short the last time I wore it! I was glad to have the cardigan covering up in case of crazy wind, which did lift the skirt a few times. I didn't realize this until last night, but I guess I was subconsciously copying a look that Taylor Swift wore a while ago. Am I allowed to say "great minds think alike" for this one? ;)


American Eagle Outfitters cardigan (similar) and dress (old; last seen here) / Earthies sandals c/o (last seen here) / My Monogram Necklace necklace c/o (last seen here) / LOFT sunglasses