Candy cane stripes


Well, the forecast called for 1-2 inches of snow Saturday night, but that didn't quite pan out. There was less than an inch on the ground Sunday morning, but it all melted as the day went on. I was determined to find a place for photos that had SOME snow since I did wear my snow boots, and this was the best I could find, sadly! At least my toes were toasty warm, haha. It actually started snowing/graupeling (graupel: snow pellets) while we were doing photos which was kind of fun. A few of them stuck to my sweater!

I decided to try the sweater-over-skirt look again, much to Chris's dismay. He really does not like this look for some reason! The skirt didn't lay quite as I would have liked. I think maybe it would look better if the skirt had more structured pleats? This one has random bumps that don't really jive well with sweaters/tops that aren't tucked in. At least I've got an A+ color combination going on!


Delia's coat (old; last seen here) / Madewell sweater (last seen here) / J.Crew Factory skirt (on sale!) / LeGale tights via Nordstrom Rack / Sorel boots via Nordstrom Rack


Today, I decided to mix patterns a bit and wear my polka dot jeans with my striped sweater! It started snowing this morning, so I went with combat boots instead of ankle or tall boots, but I totally could have worn other boots since it stopped the second I walked outside. (Typical, right?) It was still really cold today, and I'm already dreading the winter outfit photo sessions!


Madewell sweater / Forever 21 jeans (old; last seen here) / Carrini boots via Hautelook (old) / My Monogram Necklace necklace c/o (last seen here)