Life decisions: To go on or not go on for a PhD?


Something that you may or may not know about me is that I am the worst at making decisions unless I feel really strongly one way or the other. Picking which graduate school to attend was seriously the hardest decision of my life thus far. (I honestly wish I was better at decision-making!) 

So, when my advisor asked me if I wanted to continue graduate school and do a PhD after I finish my master's degree, I pretty much said "I don't know" in so many words. Now, a month-ish later, I have to decide very soon whether or not to continue. I always had in my mind that I would get my master's and then enter the workforce, but now that I'm finishing that up (and defending this fall—eep!), I don't really know what I want to do. I don't know where I want to work. My original plan kind of fell out of the window when I realized I didn't have the credentials.

The PhD offer I received is for a project involving greenhouse gases, which is important stuff, but it's not exactly my favorite thing to study. I'm not that good at chemistry, and what if I ended up hating my project halfway through it? I met with my advisor today to discuss it more, and he presented me with a separate offer and a totally different project—one more related to hydrology and climate, which is what I've been doing thus far and is something I enjoy. Plus, it's way more open-ended; I could do almost anything for my dissertation.

I've been going back and forth all weekend about the first offer, but now that I have this second offer...I'm actually considering continuing on. There are many pros and cons to getting a PhD, and I swear I've read/heard every side. I haven't officially decided one way or another, but I'll definitely mention my final decision whenever that may be (soon, I'm sure, though who knows—I hate making decisions, especially when they're life-changing decisions like this one!). I thought I would know by now since we met today, but this second offer changed everything. If you have any advice one way or the other or general decision making advice, I'm all ears (eyes? ha)!

Regarding the outfit... I've been trying to give some love to my brighter pieces and mix them in more with my black and grey favorites. I'm not completely trying to avoid color anymore! I'm a big fan of the stripes and contrasting texture of the lace.


Shirt: J.Crew | Skirt (old): Francesca's (last seen here) | Flats: Vince Camuto via Nordstrom (similarlast seen here) | Earrings: American Eagle Outfitters