Follow me on Bloglovin!

I recently discovered the website Bloglovin. It's super cool! You can follow all of the blogs you like in one place. There's a feed (sort of like the Facebook feed) of posts, and you can pick how you want to be notified of new posts from the blogs you follow (I get one email every evening telling me the new posts). You can use the search feature to find more blogs you might like! There are so many cool fashion and lifestyle blogs floating around the internet that I wouldn't know about had I not found Bloglovin! If you enjoy reading my blog, please follow me! I added a button on the sidebar so you can follow my blog on Bloglovin (make sure you follow my blog--not my account!). If you don't want to make a Bloglovin account, you can always follow me if you have a Wordpress account, or you can follow me via email.

If you found me via the ModCloth Style Gallery, hello, and thank you for checking my blog out!

Thank you so much to all of my followers! I know ten isn't a lot, but it's a lot more than I thought I would have considering I'm a newbie.

And now, some cat pictures, just for good measure...
